Unfortunately I was around 30 on the alternates list for Glasgow futures this weekend gone. As such I simply couldn't justify the cost of travelling the entire length of the country if I wasn't guaranteed to get in, so instead this week saw the third week of my training block start and it was just as heavy!
For this week I decided to increase the intensity somewhat in the gym. This meant things got a lot heavier - and I focused more on shorter breaks in between the various exercises to really work the muscles. This has required some seriously early nights after being completely exhausted at the end of what feels like a very long day! The week finished with a hit with my old coach who is currently on temporary leave from the Royal Marines, but is a former top 700 ATP player, so it's always good fun.
The training block has now become a five week training block as the futures in Cardiff were becoming more unlikely and I simply had to accept some work that I was offered. One thing you quickly learn in full time tennis is that, unless you are quite close to the top of the game, there is very little money in it in comparison to the expense. Thankfully one job that does pay well and offers good flexibility around training and competing is doing some coaching work, and so I will have a long weekend off working instead of training amid this block!
This comes at a very necessary time as this fourth week of my training block has gotten underway and, whilst it is only Tuesday, I must say I am already waning! I have had two two hour sessions on court that have been a mix of controls and practice sets, alongside a heavy chest and arms session in the gym yesterday. I will have three more sessions in the gym this week to complete the training alongside hitting. All those little niggles and aches are beginning to take their toll on my body and so I am looking forward to spending the weekend away from the gym; ready to blitz a final week of this block.
Next week should see a very different style of training so be sure to check in and find out what I've been up to! Then we are looking at a much longer off-season than previously expected as we go into the winter and I will be sure to keep updating this on my progress with videos, photos and reports!